
Why Spring-Cleaning Is Worth the Effort

When was the last time you looked around your home and thought, “Everything is clean and organized, time to relax?” Has it been a while?

Unswept floors, dusty desks and slimy showers aren’t just unattractive. They create an ongoing mental load that can make it hard to focus on important tasks or unwind when you need a break.

Let’s explore how cultivating a tidier home can boost your health and happiness:

Breathe easier.

Dusting surfaces, vacuuming floors and laundering linens weekly can lead to fewer allergy flare-ups and easier breathing. Don’t forget to replace your furnace and AC filters every one to three months.

Some people see benefits from using an air purifier to capture dust, pollen, mold spores, pet dander and smoke. HEPA filters can even reduce viruses and bacteria.

Stop stressful searches.

No one likes to waste time looking for misplaced keys or important documents. Designate assigned spots for items you use often. For storage, label bins and shelves to make it easier to find what you need.

Conquer kitchen chaos.

Dirty dishes and crumb-covered counters can attract ants and roaches—both notoriously hard pests to kick out once they’ve invaded.

Clean your pots, pans and plates before bed each night; use disinfecting wipes to make quick work of counters and stovetops. Making coffee in a clean kitchen is a great way to start the morning.

Sleep sounder.

A 10-minute tidy-up each night before bed can help you unwind and keep the chaos in check. A more organized home can boost your mood and productivity by creating a sense of order, control and peace.

Sometimes, a messy home is a symptom of a bigger problem, like exhaustion or chronic pain. If you’re not getting the care you need, let’s review your health insurance benefits and see what your options are.