
How to Prepare for Unexpected Events

Nearly everyone eventually experiences an emergency of some kind, no matter their social or economic status. However, by planning ahead, these events can be more manageable, and you can reduce the stress and anxiety they might cause you.

1. Keep emergency contacts updated.

Do you know who you’d contact in an emergency? Ask your friends and family if they would be willing to be your emergency contact or help you out should you have a medical emergency or need a place to stay when a natural disaster strikes.

It’s also smart to keep emergency contact information updated on your phone as well as at work, school or other places where you spend the most time.

2. Review finances regularly and create an emergency fund.

Although not all emergencies are financial, many have financial consequences. That’s why it’s a good idea to review your finances regularly. It can also help to build an emergency fund — just in case the worst happens.

3. Check health and life insurance coverage.

When something unexpected happens, you can rest easier if your life and health insurance coverage meet your needs and your family members’ needs. It’s a good idea to review each policy annually or whenever you experience a life-altering event.

4. Create health care directives.

Regardless of your age, it’s important to have a health care plan in place in case you can’t speak for yourself.

A living will tells doctors and hospitals how to treat you if you’re unable to tell them your wishes, and a health care durable power of attorney tells providers whom you’ve chosen to make medical decisions for you.

If you’re unsure how to create either document, your doctor should be able to help.

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