30 Minutes on Medicare Basics 

What Baby Boomers need to know about Medicare

What You Will Learn On The Webinar...

Melva Corbett – Presenter

Melva has worked as an insurance broker with TrueCare Insurance Services for over 14 years. TrueCare specialty is helping clients get and maintain the most from their health and retirement benefits at the lowest cost.

As you may know, Medicare can be a bit complicated. Once you turn 64, you start getting overwhelmed with mail from the masses of companies offering Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plans. The decisions you make around your Medicare are some of the most significant financial decisions you'll make once you approach the age of 65. In this 30-minute video presentation, we help you understand the basics of Medicare and the key decisions you'll need to make as you approach your 65th birthday. You will learn what Medicare covers, how much it costs, and whether Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage is right for you. This presentation gives you the tools and information to sort through the mountain of Medicare mail on your kitchen counter and find the approach and the plan best suited for your situation.

Are you asking:
• What does Medicare cover?
• How do the four parts of Medicare work together?
• When do I have to enroll in Medicare?
• How does Medicare work with the insurance I’ve already got?
• What can I expect to pay for my healthcare down the line?

Attend if:
• You are age 60 and over.
• You are concerned about retirement health care expenses.
• You are recently retired or planning to retire soon.
• You want to understand how to begin making important Medicare decisions.

In this half-hour presentation, you’ll learn:
• What Medicare is, who is eligible for it, and how you get it.
• Who needs to enroll in Medicare and when.
• The two ways to have Medicare—and how to choose.
• What Medicare costs, and how to mitigate those costs through private insurance.
• How to start planning for future healthcare costs.


Note: This webinar is intended for educational purposes only and does not offer specific advice.


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